Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    U. S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


    The Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) program is one of five Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Homeland Security Grant Programs (HSGPs). The HSGP is an important part of the Administration's larger, coordinated effort to strengthen homeland security preparedness. The MMRS program provides funding to local or sub-State regional jurisdictions to support and enhance the integration of local emergency management, health, and medical systems into a coordinated, sustained local capability to respond effectively to a mass casualty incident. Grantees must also demonstrate how their investments will increase the effectiveness of emergency preparedness planning and response for the whole community by integrating and coordinating activities implemented under this program for children and adults with disabilities and others with access and functional needs. The responsibilities of the SAA are to: (1) Prepare, with the assistance of the MMRS Program Manager(s), one Investment that clearly identifies the State‘s support for the integration of local emergency management, health, and medical services to improve the local response to mass casualty events using MMRS grant funds; (2) Ensure that MMRS is represented on State Homeland Security Working Groups and UAWGs so that the interests of the local health and medical communities are well represented; (3) Ensure all neighboring MMRS sub-grantees shall actively and demonstratively collaborate to develop a regional plan that supports the MMRS mission in cases where MMRS sub-grantees are located adjacent to one another; (4) Shall coordinate with the State health representatives who work in the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) program, managed by CDC, and Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP), managed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), and Strategic National Stockpile. The responsibilities of MMRS sub-grantees are to: (1) Establish and support designated MMRS leadership, such as a Steering Committee, to act as the designated POCs for program implementation; (2) Promote integration of local emergency management, health, and medical systems with their Federal and State counterparts through a locally established multi-agency, collaborative planning framework; (3) Promote sub-State regional coordination of mutual aid with neighboring localities; (4) Enhance, using MMRS funds, sub-State regional planning and training to expand and improve an integrated, inclusive health and medical response to mass casualty events; (5) Validate the sub-grantee‘s local emergency response capability to a mass casualty incident by means of a regular schedule of exercises that are Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)-compatible; (6) Coordinate all MMRS expenditures with the local health department and, where appropriate, local representatives who manage PHEP grants, managed by CDC, and HPP, managed by HHS-ASPR, and Strategic National Stockpile. MMRS sub-grantees are strongly encouraged to collaborate with local, regional, and State health and medical partners, such as Medical Reserve Corps Units and Citizen Corps Councils, as well as leverage other Federal programs, such as the HHS ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program and Emergency Systems for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP), CDC Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), PHEP, and Strategic National Stockpile Programs. The intent of collaboration should be to coordinate and support plans, processes, and strategies related to, but not limited to: Continuity of Government; Continuity of Operations; Age-Appropriate Equipment and Supplies Procurement; Emergency Triage and Pre-Hospital Treatment/Emergency Medical Services; 9-1-1/Medical Dispatch; Fatality Management; Forward Movement of Patients; Hospital Evacuation; Interoperable Communications; Patient Tracking; Pharmaceutical and Medical Supply Management and Distribution; Public Education; Outreach and Information; Recruiting Volunteers; and Training. Plans, processes, and strategies should specifically address disability accessibility and functional needs and pediatric capabilities except where infants and children are not a specific concern, such as interoperable communications (which may be a concern for workers with hearing and vision disabilities). The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) program is administered by the HHS Office of the Surgeon General. MRC units are organized locally to meet the health and safety needs of their community. MRC members are identified, credentialed, trained, and prepared in advance of an emergency, and may be utilized throughout the year to improve the health and medical response system. MMRS jurisdictions are encouraged to actively collaborate with MRC unit representatives. MMRS funds may be used to support local MRC units if endorsed by the local MMRS Steering Committee. Local MRC units must submit proposals to the MMRS Steering Committee outlining the amount of funds requested, the purpose of the funds, and the specific goals that will be addressed by the MRC unit as outlined in the proposal. The MMRS Steering Committee shall ensure that the proposed MRC activities will support and complement the objectives of the MMRS program prior to approval of the MRC funds request. The following are examples of the types of allowable expenses that MMRS jurisdictions may consider when supporting/establishing MRC units: (1) Implementing mechanisms to assure appropriate integration and coordination with existing local emergency response and health assets and capabilities (including provision of legal protections for volunteers); (2) Developing plans to organize and mobilize the MRC unit in response not only to urgent needs, but also to address other public health needs in the community; (3) Implementing activities to address the needs of children and individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs; (4) Recruiting volunteers for the MRC unit including volunteers with subject matter expertise in assessing the acute medical and non-acute health, safety and maintenance of independence needs of survivors with disabilities to determine and provide appropriate assistance in the most integrated setting appropriate; (5) Tracking volunteer information; (6) Screening and verifying credentials; (7) Training; (8) Providing age-appropriate equipment and supplies for the MRC unit.

    History of Funding

    In FY10, approximately $39.36 million was made available for the MMRS program.

    Additional Information

    FY 2011 HSGP funds may not be used to support the hiring of any personnel for the purposes of fulfilling traditional public health and safety duties or to supplant traditional public health and safety positions and responsibilities.


    Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk

    Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk
    Office of Grants and Training
    US Department of Homeland Security
    245 Murray Lane
    Building 410
    Washington, DC 20528
    (800) 368-6498
    Contact the State Administrative Agency in your state for local information: HSGP Guidance:

  • Eligibility Details

    The Governor of each State and Territory is required to designate a State Administrative Agency (SAA) to apply for and administer MMRS funds. The SAA is the only entity eligible to formally apply for MMRS funds. This program provides funding on a formula basis to 124 MMRS jurisdictions. Each SAA is responsible for obligating MMRS funds to local units of government and other designated recipients within 45 days after receipt of funds. For a complete list of FY11 MMRS allocations refer to the official guidance at:

    Deadline Details

    All submissions will be received by no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 20, 2011. Late applications will neither be considered nor reviewed. Only applications started through and completed through the ND Grants system located at will be accepted. It is recommended that local agencies contact their SAA well before the deadline for local timelines and procedures. A list of SAA contacts is available at

    Award Details

    The FY11 allocation for the MMRS program is $34,929,932. FY 2011 MMRS funding will be divided evenly among the 124 MMRS jurisdictions listed in the consolidated HSGP guidance. In FY 2011, grantees may provide an optional cost match; however, an applicant‘s willingness to contribute an optional cost match will not impact allocation amounts identified in the FY 2011 HSGP Guidance and Application Kit.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Highlights of Grants to Manage and Expand Access to Health Data - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available
    • Funding for Healthcare Technology to Connect Providers and Patients - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding to Enhance Response, Investigation, and Prosecution of Domestic Violence - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available


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