Boeing Company Charitable Trust

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    Funder Type

    Corporate Foundation

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    The Boeing Company


    Through purposeful investments, employee engagement and thoughtful advocacy efforts, Boeing and its employees support innovative partnerships and programs that align with their strategic objectives, create value and help build better communities worldwide. This includes improving access to globally competitive learning as well as workforce and skills development, and supporting military and veteran communities.

    Boeing has several focus areas:

    • Education
    • Veterans and their families
    • Community

    In addition, Boeing operates its Employees Community Fund (ECF), which empowers employees to make a greater impact by pooling their tax-deductible donations. Employee advisory boards provide combined employee donations to nonprofits in their community through ECF grants.


    History of Funding

    Some previously funded projects are highlighted on the funder's website at

    Additional Information

    Boeing does not support:

    • Organizations with practices that are inconsistent with company goals and policies
    • Organizations that denigrate or advocate discrimination or violence toward any racial, ethnic or cultural group
    • Political candidates or organizations
    • For-profit businesses, including third-party fundraisers, or public institutions
    • U.S. hospitals, hospital foundations, medical research, and health-related awareness campaigns



  • Eligibility Details

    • All applicants for charitable support from The Boeing Company must be a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) charitable organization in current standing with the IRS.
    • Boeing places emphasis on sustainable, scalable, and replicable programs beyond the period of investment.
    • They emphasize programs that are catalysts for positive and systemic change and have a broad base of community support.
    • While Boeing recognizes that there are many factors affecting individual and community well-being, they place emphasis on addressing prevailing socio-cultural factors, such as disparities between populations, in their grantmaking.

    Deadline Details

    All proposals are accepted by invitation only.

    Boeing community investments are managed locally and grant making strategies are tailored by locations to address the specific needs of their region. For details on how to apply for funding in your region, select your state here:

    Award Details

    Awards have ranged higher than $1,000,000, but the most common award amount is $50,000.

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding Classroom Technology to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Development Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored by NetApp - Playback Available


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