Migrant Education Program (Wisconsin)

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    Funder Type

    State Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI)


    The general purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP), as set forth in Section 1301 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), is to ensure that migratory children fully benefit from the same free public education provided to other children. To achieve this purpose, the MEP helps State Education Agencies (SEAs) and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) address the special educational needs of migratory children to better enable migratory children to succeed academically. More specifically, the purposes of the MEP as stated in Section 1301 are as follows:

    • To assist States in supporting high-quality and comprehensive educational programs and services during the school year and, as applicable, during summer or intersession periods, that address the unique educational needs of migratory children.
    • To ensure that migratory children who move among the States are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the States in curriculum, graduation requirements, and challenging State academic standards.
    • To ensure that migratory children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet.
    • To help migratory children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to succeed in school.
    • To help migratory children benefit from State and local systemic reforms.

    The Wisconsin MEP has restructured migrant services into a regional, summer-only model beginning July 2018. For the summer 2020 grant, DPI will fund seven regional programs. The summer-only program approach is intended to concentrate the effort of the Title I, Part C MEP funds and the regional approach is designed to serve more children in larger geographic areas.


    History of Funding

    None is available.

    Additional Information

    In providing services with funds received under Title I, Part C, each recipient shall give Priority for Services (PFS) to migratory children who have made a qualifying move within the previous one year period and who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic content standards or have dropped out of school. If Title I, Part C funds remain after these students unique needs have been met, they can be used to provide service for other eligible migratory children.

    A student would be identified as PFS if they met any of the following criteria:

    • State and local academic achievement Any student that has been designated as failed, absent, exempt, not tested, or not scored on any one of the state and local academic achievement tests. Local academic achievement data may include school or district assessments, in-class teacher observations, and other accessible formative assessment data.
    • Not English Proficient (NEP) or Limited English Proficient (LEP) Students that have been designated as NEP or LEP
    • Retained Students in grades K-8 that have been retained in the same grade as the previous year.
    • Over Age for Current Grade Level Student that is over traditional school age for his or her grade level and lacks adequate credit hours for his or her grade level.
    • Course History Students in grades 9-12 that have failed one or more core high school courses or are not on track for graduation.
    • Out-of-School Youth (OSY) School aged students through age 21 that have not graduated and are not attending school.


    Clara Pfeiffer

    Clara Pfeiffer
    125 S. Webster Street
    Madison, WI 53703
    (608) 261-6324

  • Eligibility Details

    In order to be considered for the regional program coordinator/fiscal agent, the following eligibility criteria must be met. All regional migrant programs must:

    • serve all eligible migratory K-12 students in the identified region by providing a minimum of 60 hours of services with a focus on literacy and/or mathematics for elementary and middle school students, and credit accrual for secondary students;
    • Coordinate with/provide referrals for services to all eligible migratory preschool and Out-of-School Youth within the identified region if unable to serve these groups directly;
    • focus on implementing academic services with fidelity and use high-quality instructional materials;
    • keep detailed records on services used and student attendance records;
    • administer pre/post tests to measure student progress;
    • engage families and report on family engagement offerings during the grant term;
    • send applicable staff to mandatory trainings hosted by DPI staff;
    • plan for and facilitate student transition at the end of the grant term including enrollment, records transfer, and post-secondary preparation;
    • collaborate with the State's Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) staff;
    • design a transportation plan (if applicable); and
    • develop communication strategies to work with districts within the region and outlying districts. In the event that no migratory students arrive for an expected program, the regional program coordinator must inform DPI at the start of the expected program.

    Deadline Details

    Applications were to be submitted by April 28, 2021. A similar deadline is anticipated, annually.

    Award Details

    Funds are allocated to regional migrant programs based on the number of students served in the previous year. Applicants may negotiate allocations based on program needs. This grant period runs from May 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021. Grant activities for the award must be completed by August 31, 2021 and a final claim is due December 30, 2021. Carryover is not allowed.

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